Our Mission Statement
“Martock Christian Fellowship exists to worship God and glorify Him by bringing people to Christ, nurturing them in the faith, and equipping them for service.”
He is the one and only, ever-living, three-in-one, Sovereign Creator of the universe! As the old hymn puts it, He is: “perfect in power, in love and purity.”
It’s the living Word of God. Inspired by Him, it is God’s truth for this and every generation and is vitally relevant to us.
We believe that God offers His forgiveness and eternal life to all who trust in Jesus Christ. It cannot be earned. It comes as a gift ~ ‘by grace, through faith’.
Fellowship means that to grow as Christians we need to meet together regularly. The Christian life is not something we can ‘work out’ in isolation ~ we need each other. To this end we encourage our members to meet in small groups during the week, as well as with the whole church at Sunday services.
Worship is thanking God for His goodness to us and should be a joyful experience. A vital aspect of our worship is taking bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus’ death ~ one of the few specific things He asked His disciples to do. We invite all those who truly know and love the Lord to share with us in our communion services.
As members of the Evangelical Alliance we agree with and uphold their basis of faith which can be found here